Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Big Bro Update

I've been doing a lot of Cole updates, and figured some big bro updates were long overdue.

Jackson has continued to be a great big bro, often giving Cole kisses and "helping" however he can.  When I pick him up at daycare, he often rocks the car seat when I put it down to give him a hug.  He still loves to turn on the bouncer music for Cole, and is very gentle with him.  He also loves to help rinse Cole in the bath, and has even held the bottle for Cole during a feeding.

Last week, I was giving Cole a bath and waiting for J to finish his shower with Daddy so that he could rinse Cole.  Cole was crying a bit as the water had gotten too cold, and J heard him and came running saying, "he needs me!".  Adorbs.

He's had a few rough nights of needing extra cuddles in the middle of the night, and one night he became so upset that his crying made his cough flare up, and subsequently caused him to throw up.  After some extra cuddles (and a change of clothes and sheets), we had a talk about only calling us in if he's really hurt or sick, and that we love to cuddle but it's best to cuddle before bed, or in the morning, rather than the middle of the night.  We've also began "Mommy & Jackson" time each night before bed for 20-30 minutes, where I give him my undivided attention while Corey takes Cole, and do whatever activity he wants during that time.  He's been on a great streak since, and has been very proud of himself each morning, saying "I slept a long time and I didn't cry for you, Mommy!". 

In other Jackson news, I had Dora's "I'm a Map" song stuck in my head.  I mentioned this to J after I kept singing it, but what I didn't realize it that he hadn't heard the expression of a song "being stuck in your head" so he took it very literally.  He looked at me for a minute, looked at my head and said "Where is it, Mommy?!"  I explained to him that it just meant I couldn't stop singing it but, still unable to wrap his head around this concept, he then asked, "Is it still stuck?" as he looked at my head again.  Later on, he asked if it was still stuck and after I told him that it wasn't, he asked, "Where did it go?". 

Each night before bed, Jackson continues to watch YouTube videos of people playing with Sesame Street Play Doh tools.  Jackson loves Play Doh but one of the rules is that he can't mix the colors together or else everything would change colors or become the same color, which we know would upset him.  In the video we were watching, the woman was mixing colors, and he got very serious, looked at me, and said with concern, "She's mixing colors!".  I told him that she wasn't following the rules and he responded with, "I follow the rules, I don't mix the colors".  As we continued to watch, he kept talking about how he follows the rules.  So far, we've been really lucky with a kid who listens and follows most of the rules (including those much more important than Play Doh color mixing).  Let's just hope he continues on this path!

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