Friday, February 21, 2014

Crazy Town

Welcome to Crazy Town. Human population: 4.  Canine population: 1.

Last week, I proudly stupidly thought I had it all figured out.  Corey was back at work, and Cole and I had a perfect first week at home together. It was a mix of relaxation and lots of cuddles, walks during the sun breaks, errand running, showering/getting ready daily, and completing all household chores (one of my goals during maternity leave was to try to have my normal weekend chores completed in small doses throughout the week, so that by the time the weekends roll around, we could just relax as a family).  We had a great routine of picking up Jackson from daycare and once back at home, I would pump and/or feed Cole, spend time with Jackson while Cole finished napping in his car seat, and have dinner prepped for when Corey arrived home (granted, most of the meals were extremely easy and/or reheated, but they were still ready).

Things changed this week.

While I still thoroughly enjoyed my time with Cole, we haven't been able to sneak in any walks, we haven't run any errands, and only a few things are done around the house. 

Part of the change is due to Cole being more alert after his daytime feedings, which mean I've actually had to try to get him down for a nap when he starts to seem drowsy (vs. him passing out milk drunk immediately after his feedings, as he often did during his first couple weeks).  Some naps I haven't been successful at actually getting him to sleep, and others he's awoken early from, still tired, and I've had to get him back to sleep (think lots of singing, bouncing, rocking, and popping a paci in his mouth over and over).  The other thing is that Jackson woke up from his nap at school not feeling well one day.  I had to wake Cole up from a nap to pick J up and by the time we got home, we had a hangry baby and a sad toddler who needed attention.  I quickly gave Jackson some cuddles and got him situated with a snack and Dora episodes (as he continued to tell me "Cole's crying Mommy") before feeding Cole.  I'd told Corey I'd see how Jackson was doing before we decided if he needed to come home early, but thankfully Corey ended up coming home early on his own, and was able to help out.

Then yesterday, Jackson woke up early with a bloody nose so we kept him home thinking we'd need to take him to the doctor (one of the things he'd complained about earlier in the week was that his nose hurt and after the bloody nose, we were a bit concerned). The nurse I spoke to just said that, based on his symptoms, he was likely just fine and that bloody noses are common with colds and to keep an eye on him. Thankfully (again) Corey said he'd stay home to help out.

Even with two of us, it was nuts. Neither of us had showers, I didn't even get a chance to go to the bathroom before 10 a.m. (at which point I realized I was having lactation (i.e. leaking) issues and thus required a change of clothes....TMI, I know, but helps you understand the day we had).  Corey took a quick call for work and as soon as I sat down to feed Cole during his call, Jackson decided he wanted to play Play Doh.  Typically he requests a lot of help making things that he sees on the Play Doh box, so I warned him that I wouldn't be able to help, but I knew that wouldn't last long.  Luckily Corey was able to help him just as his call ended.  Then, Corey ran out to grab us lunch, and I realized then that Jackson needed to eat lunch and both boys would be due for a nap at the same time, while Corey was gone.  So, I helped Jackson make his PB&J and then got Cole to sleep in my arms while Jackson ate, all the while trying to clean up with one hand.  While making lunch, I wasn't thinking clearly, and put one of Jackson's plastic plates in the toaster oven to thaw the bread that was on it (oops) and that completely melted everywhere (see Exhibit 1 below).

Exhibit 1:

Once Corey got home, we ate a quick lunch while DJ Jazzy J spun tunes on his CD player.  Only problems with this are:

1) The conversations around what CD/song to play.  They went something like this:

Jackson (J): Daddy, what CD do you want?  The red one or the blue one?
Daddy (D): The blue one.
J: Daddy, the red one or the blue one?
D: The blue one.
J: Lets listen to the red one.  Daddy, what song do you want to listen to?
D: #1 is good.
J: Daddy, what song do you want to listen to?
D: #1.
J: Daddy, what song do you like?
D: #1.
J: Let's listen to #7.

2) J would then constantly change the song and each time a new song started, Cole would flinch and nearly wake up.  At one point, we were eating lunch while the National Anthem (and other patriotic songs - see Exhibit 2) was blaring from his CD player, Cole was moaning and groaning, about to wake up, and Corey and I looked at each other and couldn't do anything but laugh.  Our life is Crazy Town right now.

Exhibit 2:

Corey and collapsed into bed at 9:45 last night exhausted, wondering how stay-at-home moms do it.  I honestly can't wrap my head around it.  Watching one child on your own can be challenging and exhausting, but two is absolute craziness (even with two parents on hand, as you can see from this post).  I truly don't know how they manage getting both kids down for naps and/or fed when their schedules overlap, how they keep both kids happy, and how they manage to do something like make it to the bathroom before peeing their pants.  I have 110% respect for them and would love to know their secrets.

Until then...our crazy life continues in Crazy Town.

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