Saturday, January 11, 2014

More Jackson-isms

I've said it before, but I can't help mentioning it again...Jackson continues to say the funniest things.  Here are a few recent Jackson-isms.

He continues to pick up on phrases that we say, using them in appropriate contexts.  Things like "Holy cow!" and "Oh my gosh/God!" slip out when he's surprised, he drops something, etc.  There was a short period of time though, that he mixed up the two phrases and would say "Holy God!"  Had to help correct that one...

We were driving through a construction zone recently, and the road got a bit bumpy.  Jackson yelled "we're bumpin', Mom!".  I agreed, and then he asked, "are we driving on the sidewalk?!"

He's never been much of a meat or a veggie eater, but I've been asking him to try at least one bite of whatever is on his plate for lunch at school, as it would make mommy very happy.  Usually he doesn't come through, but this week, as soon as I came to pick him up, he was VERY excited on two different occasions to run up and tell me what he'd tried/eaten that day.  The first was chicken, and the second day was hot dogs.  I made a big deal about this, giving him high fives, hugs and telling him how proud of him I was.  He was excited to call Daddy and some of his grandparents on our way home to fill them in on the good news.  He then told me,  "when I try chicken/hot dogs, it makes everyone so happy!". 

He told me he'd missed me the other day on our way home from school. I told him I'd missed him too, and that I loved him very much. He responded with, "I love all of our family" and started listing off everyone's name. 

We've been talking a lot about what he can help us do with baby brother. He likes to show us how he'll hold baby brother (like he's cradling him).  One day, he got up on my lap and said, "I want to cuddle next to baby brother" and then leaned against my tummy.

Recent dialog between Jackson and Daddy:
Jackson: My tummy hurts.
Daddy: Are you going to get sick? (He'd recently had the flu.)
Jackson: No.
Daddy: Do you need to poop? (He often tells us his tummy hurts before he needs to poop.)
Jackson: No.
Daddy: Is it because you're hungry?
Jackson: Yes...I need chocolate.

I'm sure this won't be the last post on funny Jackson sayings, as this blog is the best way for me to keep track of and remember all the cute things that come out of his mouth these days.

Green tootsie pops = VERY green mouths.

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