Friday, December 20, 2013

Elvis the Elf

Though the actual elf is a tad creepy looking, I loved the concept of Elf on the Shelf and thought Jackson would as well, so I purchased the set (book & elf) on Amazon last month. On December 1, Elvis (as Jackson named him) made his first appearance at our house, and has been stopping by each morning since.

While I don't think Jackson fully understands the whole concept (i.e. that the elf appears each day to essentially keep an eye on you and report back to Santa), he does like to find out what Elvis is up to each morning. The best part though, is that he doesn't enjoy Elvis' funny situations for long - he wants to quickly put his toys or whatever props Elvis is using, back in order. He'll stop and say "that silly Elvis!", and then quickly pick Elvis up, hand him over to us (he can't seem to remember that he isn't supposed to touch Elvis, at least according to the story) and ask us to put Elvis back on the counter (which is where he sits all day) so we can go back to our normal routine.

Here are a few of my favorite Elvis situations.

It's been fun coming up with a new spot to put Elvis each night before we go to bed, but we are definitely not as creative and crafty as some of the posts I've seen on Facebook or Pinterest. I figure we have a few years before we need to kick things up a notch.

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