Sunday, December 1, 2013

Big Boy Room

In preparation for Baby #2, we officially moved Jackson to his "Big Boy Room" on Wednesday evening, which includes a big boy bed! 

To help prepare him for the move, we talked a lot about the room change, and that he'd be in a big boy bed, and would have to stay in it until we came and got him in the morning, but we weren't sure how he'd actually handle things when the room change actually took effect.

He loved his crib and never once tried to actually climb out of it.  During his 45-60 minutes of settling in before sleep at night (he's just like his daddy; I on the other hand fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow), he'd just lay there or roll around.  When he woke up, he'd often just lay or sit there, talking or singing.  He never stood and shook the sides of the crib or anything, so I was hoping for the best with his bed but of course didn't truly know what to expect, especially since he's been able to open doors since around the time he started walking.

But after 4 nights in his new space, I'm happy to announce he hasn't gotten out of bed once!

The only rough patch Jackson experienced was the first night, when he fell out of bed.  We heard a thud around midnight and looked at the monitor to see him on the ground.  He had managed to roll out of his bed, land on his face, and keep sleeping.  He didn't wake up even when Corey picked him up and put him back in bed, and said he didn't remember falling out of it when we asked him about it. 

Corey quickly put a bunch of extra pillows on the floor to protect him if he fell again, and made a midnight purchase of a bed rail on Amazon, which arrived yesterday.  Luckily J had no more spills before we receive the rail.  The funny thing is I had brought up the idea of a rail to Corey earlier and he mentioned something along the lines of, "nah, your body knows when it is about to fall, and he'll catch himself before he actually falls out".  Guess he better listen to his wifey next time, eh?  (I'm not normally right, so I have to milk this one for all it's worth.)

I hope Jackson continues to like his room, and stay in his bed all of course, even when Baby Brother takes over his old room.

Converting our old office into the Big Boy room.
Final product, complete with a big boy!

Ta da!  Hard to believe this is the same room that housed our computers, Corey's sneaker collection and a lot of office related junk.
Corey's midnight Facebook update, after our middle-of-the-night Amazon purchase.


1 comment:

  1. At least you guys got him an actual rail -- my parents just used the dining room table chairs!
