Sunday, November 24, 2013

Say What?!

Nearly every day, Jackson cracks us up with a new phrase.  Sometimes he's stating something just slightly incorrectly, which is what makes it so cute.  Other times, he is saying the phrase properly but just hearing it come from his mouth for the first time makes us smile. 

Here are a few my recent favorites:

"Love you back" - we tell him we love him all the time, and sometimes he just says "uh huh" and other times, he'll say "love you" if we prompt him.  But the other night, Corey kissed him good night and told him he loved him, and J responded back with "Love you back!".  Not sure where he picked this up, but it was the cutest thing ever.  We've heard it a few times since, so hopefully it's a phrase we'll continue to hear.

"Oopsie daisy" - I didn't realize how much I say this until he started saying it, always in proper context (he's dropped something, etc).

"Look at all the frosting!" - It's been very cold this week, so one morning on the way to school, I pointed out how there was white stuff on the trees and grass, which was called frost.  We turned a corner and he was impressed by the amount of frost he could see.  If only it really were frosting, buddy.

"Actually", "probably" and "maybe" - always used in proper context.  Each day, he gets to choose our route home from school and there are times he'll say "left today...actually let's go straight".  Or "after dinner, I can have some candy maybe", and "daddy's probably watching Dora".

"I had a good sleep"/"I had a good nap" - we've asked him how he slept enough in his life, that now, unprompted, he will tell us this when he wakes up occasionally.

I love this kid more every single day.  Just can't get enough of him.

I couldn't end a blog without any photos, so here is one from our recent family photo shoot with our friend Jen (thanks again, Jen!!).  I am only sharing one for now, as I don't want to spoil our holiday card, which should be in a mailbox near you within a few weeks.

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