Monday, October 14, 2013

Baby (#2) Bump Update

It's been awhile, but just a quick post to share progress on the #2 bun in the oven. 

This pregnancy has been very much like my first - other than a little nausea at the beginning, and being extra tired throughout, it's been great, and I can't complain. 

This time around, I have felt the baby kick MUCH more than I did Jackson.  My doc mentioned that the second time around, your stomach has more room/stretches out more quickly, and thus baby can move around more.  I'm loving every second of it.  If this kiddo is anything like he is in the womb, he is going to be one active boy.

I woke up yesterday morning to both of my boys kicking - one in my tummy, and one in his crib.  They're already conspiring against their mama.  I'm in for trouble!

I have gotten to the point where I'm starting to feel big.  My stomach is starting to get in the way of things and my winter coats don't button (or at least not all the way).

Corey and I are still deciding on names - we have 3-4 that we like (and interestingly enough, we later realized that most were on the list of names we were considering when we decided on Jackson's name). 

We're also speculating on whether this kiddo will look like Jackson, will have as much hair, etc.  My guess is that he is going to be a mini J, will come out with a full head of hear, and we'll get to experience the crazy fro-hawk all over again.  Only time will tell, and we can't wait to find out!

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