Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Cuteness overload going on over here.  A few examples:

We recently introduced Jackson to gummy bears, which he thinks are called "yummy bears". I find it very hard to say no to little person asking me for more "yummy bears".

We've been talking to Jackson a lot about his baby brother.  He loves to point to my belly and say "there's a baby in there!" and is always very gentle (as gentle as a 2-year old can be).  When we ask him what the baby is doing in there, he typically says "sleeping!" but has been known to say "reading" or "eating pancakes".  I guess he thinks the baby is doing the things Jackson likes to do.  Love how the mind of a 2-year old works.

Corey called Roxy into the house from the backyard the other week, and then we were talking about feeding her dinner.  The next thing we know, Jackson came running back into the kitchen saying, very proudly, "I fed Roxy treats!".  Corey followed him to Roxy's bowl to find that he'd filled it to the top with her food (about 5 times more than her normal serving).  Love his efforts, and his attention to detail in terms of knowing where her food is kept and how to feed her, but glad we caught it before Roxy devoured it.

Before our trip to the Cougar Mountain Zoo last weekend, I'd been talking to him about the zoo, and that he'd get to pet animals.  What I wasn't clear on was what type of animals they had, or what type he'd get to pet, so before I knew it, he was talking about "petting the elephants and tigers".  I had to quickly clarify that 1) this zoo didn't have elephants and 2) tigers that we saw there wouldn't be allowed to be touched.  Poor kid.

He's been extra cuddly lately, often asking repeatedly before bedtime or before school for "one more hug!" or "one more kiss!".  How can you turn that down?!

Jackson has learned about "left" and "right" and can now tell you which hand and foot are right and which are left.  He gets very excited to show you when you ask.  Speaking of right and left, on our way home from daycare, there are two ways into our neighborhood and I used to always turn left vs. go straight.  About a month or two ago, he started to ask to go straight (which is the way daddy goes) and "go left tomorrow" (though tomorrow he will want to go straight, every time).  It took me a little while to remember to go straight (even though he reminds me right before we get to that spot, while we're waiting at a light) and there may have been a time or two where I forgot and still turned left, causing him to become very sad that I didn't follow through on my promise.  I just may have had to flip a u-turn to stop the tears.

He's always loved to help us do things around the house, but we had a first last weekend.  Jackson was my baking helper this past weekend.  He did more watching and spoon licking than helping, but I'll take it any day.

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