Saturday, July 20, 2013


Dos. Double trouble. Double the fun, laughter and love.  And that's just what we're about to mid-to-late January, we'll no longer be the parents to just one little munchkin, but will be the parents to TWO little munchkins, and we couldn't be more thrilled.

Yes, you read that right - Jackson is about to be a big brother!

I'm about 13 weeks along, and aside from feeling extremely tired all the time, I am doing great.  Jackson has said all along that the "baby in mommy's tummy" is a "seester", though we all know that he has not the slightest clue what this means, or that his world is about to be turned upside down, but I think (hope) that he will be okay with all the changes that are coming, and that he'll be a great big bro.  So far, he's loved to look at my stomach and has even been known to give it gentle kisses, and has helped put cocoa butter lotion on it a time or two. 

This pregnancy has been similar to my last - no true morning sickness, just some nausea in the morning, but nothing a few crackers in bed didn't help, and as mentioned above, feeling very sleepy. In fact, I have been in bed at 8:30 or 9 p.m. on numerous occasions, which is very out of character.

We've had several ultrasounds and everything looks great.  I took a blood test at my appointment earlier this week that will serve as a genetic screening, as well as a gender test - they're now able to extract a baby's chromosomes from the mom's blood to determine the gender at 12-13 weeks (wow!).  So, within about two weeks, we should know whether J has a little bro or a little seester to look forward to.

We're very excited for the arrival of this babe, but of course, are a bit nervous, too.  I'm not going to lie - there are days that I don't know how we handle one, but all the good days and times we have with him make up for the few rough times, and I know we'll all love this little one so very much.

More to come soon!

First ultrasound - 7 weeks - our little nugget

Second ultrasound - 13 weeks (it is amazing the difference a few weeks can make!)


  1. I had to re-read this like 4 times. I thought you were having twins!! Congrats on baby #2. Jackson will be such a great big bro!

  2. Congrats again! We're excited for you guys. If it's a girl Ellie and Hadley will issue her an immediate pass into the 'cool girls club.' If its a boy...hmmm. We'll have to put it up for consideration. :)
