Tuesday, July 30, 2013

It's a...

I got the call from the doctor's office today with the genetic screening (everything looked great) as well as the gender confirmation for Baby #2.  I had the nurse email me the gender, so that Corey and I could open the email and find out at the same time.  All great in theory, only for me to not remember that in Gmail, you see a preview of the body of each email, so long story short, I knew right away this morning, once the email arrived in my inbox.  So, I quickly devised a plan to reveal the gender to Corey and Jackson tonight. 
Will Baby #2 be a BOY or a GIRL?  Watch and see!


  1. Congrats on the BOY news! How exciting. Watching Luke and Ethan together has been really special so I can only imagine the sweet moments ahead for Jackson and baby boy #2.

    And if you get the craving for GIRL snuggles Baby Ellie is available anytime. :)

  2. Congratulations!
    Now Ellie and Hadley won't have to fight over who gets to marry Jackson. Enough Moran men to go around!

  3. Congratulations! Yay for a baby brother for Jackson :)

  4. Congrats to all three of you! I'm sure Jackson will LOVE having a baby brother!
