Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Spring Pageant 2013

Now that Jackson's in the big boy Toddler 2/Yellow class, he got to participate in the Rainbow School's 26th annual Spring Pageant. 

When we first heard about it, I wondered what the heck they could get 15 2-year olds to do on stage.  Over the last few days, we've been asking Jackson what they'd be singing/dancing to and he told us several times "the Chicken dance" and the "Conga".  Come to find out, neither of these were on the program but rather these are just some of his favorite songs from class.  What was really on tonight's agenda was Twinkle Twinkle, Skidamarink and If You're Happy and You Know It, and the kiddos didn't disappoint.

J was a bit shy when we showed up at Beaver Lake Middle School for the big event, but after a few strawberries and grapes (along with bribes of a cookie after the big performance), quickly warmed up and was ready to take the stage.  He ended up doing a great job, even clapping for himself at the end of each song.  We are so proud of him getting over his initial shyness and of his performance. 

If I were to ask Jackson what the highlight of his night was, it would be the well deserved cookie - he savored every last bite.

Twinkle Twinkle
If You're Happy and You Know It...
And a few pics:
Thoroughly enjoying every last bite.

Loved having Grandma Joan with us. (And thanks to Grandma Joan for bringing along a yummy dinner!)

Goofing off with his friend Jameson (aka Jamer). They are a week a part in age, the same height/weight and are BFFs. Way too cute.


1 comment:

  1. Good job Jackson! He seemed way into it. I expect an encore performance in my backyard soon.
