Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Happy Haircut

I am thrilled to say that J had an (almost) tear free haircut this weekend!

Late last week he actually started asking about a haircut (what the?!), so we quickly acted upon his request and made an appointment at Dooz4Kids in Bellevue Square. 

It was our first time there, so we planned ahead and arrived early in the hopes that he'd get acclimated before it was his turn.  He was able to play and read for a bit before his stylist called us over.

As soon as he heard his name, he started to say "no haircut" and started to cry for about two seconds, but we quickly averted the tears by reminding him of the cookie that was waiting for him after the haircut (not above bribes these days).  After a few deep breaths and a sad looking pout, we were back in business.  Elmo videos kept him occupied throughout the appointment and it was over before we knew it.  The only thing that reminded him that he was in the midst of a haircut was the pieces of hair that occasionally dropped on his hands and arms, to which he'd respond with an "uh oh!".

The best part was the prize he received after the appointment --- kids are able to flip a lever on a machine up front and a prize appears.  He got a new rubber duck for the bath, and the stylist was so proud of him for being so brave, she also gave him a little container of bubbles - an absolute favorite.  He didn't let these prizes out of sight that night, and we've played with them in the bath every night since.

So proud of our big boy, and here's to hoping all future haircuts turn out just as successfully.

Catching his prizes.

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