Thursday, May 2, 2013

Birthday Wrap-up

J's birthday has come and gone but thought I'd share a few videos captured during his party.

He also recently has his 2 year check-up.  Though we'd talked numerous times leading up to his appointment about going to the doctor, what they do there, and that we weren't going to cry, J started screaming the moment the nurse called his name to come back, just like last time.  He calmed down once the doctor arrived and did well for the rest of the appointment.  He loved picking out a sticker at the end (his choice was a pink and purple Care bear sticker).

  • Weight: 32.6 lbs - 90-95%
  • Height: 36.5" - 95%+
Lucky for all of us, there were no shots this time around.  Assuming he stays healthy, he won't have to go back until he turns three!

We wrapped up an eventful doctor's visit with a trip to Baskin Robbins, where J got to pick out whatever flavor ice cream he wanted (chocolate chip) and the scariness of the nurse was long forgotten.

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