Sunday, February 24, 2013

Chit Chat

Jackson continues to learn many new words and phrases each week and we are loving every minute of it.

A few of our favorites are:
  • "Good job" --- he'll do something and we'll tell him "good job" and he'll repeat it to himself, like he's telling himself he did a good job.
  • "Mac & Cheese" --- the way he says this is adorable
  • "Silly Songs" --- we've been trying to get him to branch out from the Elmo birthday DVD and snuck a silly song DVD into the mix.  He has a lisp when he says both words and it's way too cute.
  • "I do" --- this weekend he picked up this phrase.  When we ask him to do something, instead of just saying "yes" or "ok", he'll say "yes, I do [it]"
Speaking of, he still loves the letters in the bath and has gotten really good at remembering them and what they stand for.  There are about 10 letters that he knows what the letter, and another handful or two that he knows what that letter stands for (i.e. E is for "Elmo", I is for "ice cream"). 

His eating habits have improved over the past month or two, as well.  He typically has whatever we have to eat. He may not eat a lot of it, and may have some extra sides (typically fruit, which he LOVES), but he's much more open to trying things.  We always ask him to try one bite of everything we're eating and he does a pretty good job.  Back to the fruit - he has multiple bowls of blueberries ("blueburrrrrries" and "grapies" with a majority of his meals - he just can't get enough).

I can't believe he'll be two in less than two months!

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