Sunday, November 4, 2012


Jackson learned the cutest new word about a week ago - "bus". He has some books that have buses in them, but we've never asked him to say bus, and he's never said it unprovoked...until recently.

We were driving home from daycare and at a light, I kept hearing what I thought was "buh"; however, when I turned around, I saw he was pointing at an approaching bus.  Another bus drove by, so I asked him what it was and again, he said the word, but when I was watching him as he said it, I realize he was saying the "s" it was just very quiet.  He even has a bit of a lisp when he says it.  A-freakin'-dorable.

Take a look:

And I'll leave you with one more cute story.  Jackson has a singing dog - you push the paws and songs play.  One song is "head, shoulders, knees, and toes".  He was playing with this the other day in the den, and I was in the kitchen.  I poked my head around the corner to check on him, and saw him point at his head, and features of his face.  It took me a second, but I realized that "head, shoulders, knees, and toes" was on and he was trying to do all the right motions.  Some were off, but he definitely pointed to a few of the right features (head, ears and mouth).  By the time I got the video camera out, he caught me and stopped.  Bummer!

I dressed Jackson today without even realizing that and and Corey were both wearing blue Seahawks shirts, and gray sweats.  Love my matching boys!

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