Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Last Time

I read a great article recently that reminded me how important it is to enjoy each phase of childhood.  Every phase is just that - a phase - and good, or bad, it passes quickly and it's on to the next phase.  Life gets crazy and hectic, and I know I don't appreciate or remember all the phases and moments as much as I should. 

One of my absolute favorite phases has been Jackson's snuggles before bedtime.  For as long as I can remember, every night, after his bottle, we brush his teeth, read a book and then turn off the lights.  And the best part of my day is the next five minutes that follow - he snuggles up with his head on my shoulder as I rock and sing "Twinkle, Twinkle" a few times.  Lately, I've even kept rocking him a bit longer because I love this time with him so much, and he's getting so big it's almost awkward to hold him like this anymore, and I knew this phase wouldn't last forever. 

Just this week - Tuesday, I believe - Jackson started getting into snuggle position and a few words into the song, would pop up, point to his bed and say 'night night'.  While this is absolutely adorable, it also breaks our hearts - our baby is growing up right before our eyes, and is starting to prefer bedtime over snuggling with us.  It's been this way every night since, except for tonight. 

So tonight, when I realized he wasn't going to ask to be put in his crib right away, I snuggled him a little closer, for a little longer, and appreciated this time with him more than ever before.

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