Wednesday, September 19, 2012

This and That

Thought it was probably time for a little update on what's happening in Jackson's world, as the kid changes daily.

He's picking up more and more words.  "Mama" and "Dada" are frequently in the mix to get our attention or to ask about us when one of us leaves the room.  Other fun new words are Ernie (who he sleeps with), Elmo (on his diaper), booah (book), ayeday (airplane), 'uh' (up), off, boo (to scare you when peering around a door/corner), thank you (his version of this, when prompted), still says 'eeese' (please, also when prompted).

The wave that accompanies 'hi' and 'bye' looks like a parade wave, which I love!  He still LOVES to read and LOVES to help around the house - watering the flowers, getting the mail, taking the garbage out, and throwing things away are still faves.

He's becoming less shy, and loves to say 'hi' and 'buhbye' to the neighbors when we see them, and in fact, just last week, ran across the cul-de-sac to our neighbor, Jeff, for a hug and to be picked up.

Four molars have broken through the skin and he's constantly chewing on anything he can and drooling everywhere, so I think more are on their way.

One of his favorite past times are bubble ("buhble") baths and it was the highlight of his weekend to get to buy Elmo themed bubbles for the bath this past weekend, after his other bottle ran out. 

He loves playing soccer with his big green ball outside, and has even gotten pretty good at catching the ball.  He also still loves getting in and out of his Little Tykes car, and loves watching the sprinklers outside when they go off.  We saw, followed and talked to a frog out in the yard for a good 15 minutes a few weeks back - he was fascinated, and it was adorable.

And thankfully he still loves giving big hugs and kisses (he usually turns his cheek towards you vs. giving the kisses these days).

I love this cute kid more every single day!


Kelsey said...

Cute blog update Jen!

Jenny said...

Thanks! It was all Natalie - she's a crafty one!