Saturday, August 25, 2012

Family Fun

Last Friday, Corey and I took the day off work to spend exta time with Jackson.  We kicked off the day by heading into Seattle and making a pit stop at his old daycare.  While we enjoyed seeing his old teachers and catching up, J decided to cry and fuss if we got him too near his teachers - not sure if he just didn't remember them, or if he thought we were going to leave him, but super sad nonetheless since we know he loved them.  Hopefully none of them took it too personally.
Then we headed over to the Seattle Center to catch the fountains and music that J used to love so much when his teachers took the kiddos there in the past. 

And finally, we hit up the Children's Museum.  We'd never been but had heard great things about it and were excited to check it out.  Jackson had so much fun crawling through the log and whale tunnels, playing in the water and checking all the fun toys and rooms out.  Such a great place.

We dropped Corey back at home so he could enjoy a weekend to himself, and J and I made our way to Yakima to see my family (but not before following this deer out of our neighborhood!).  We hadn't been since April so it was great to be back and to enjoy some hot, dry heat. 

We stopped at my dad's work on our way into town and J was caused quite the scene upon arrival.  I looked up at one point and there were about 15 women gathered around. Apparently he has a way with the ladies already.  Perhaps it was his shy, serious looks, or maybe it was the fact that he was having a ball digging through my purse, pulling everything out and putting it all back repeatedly.  Eventually we made it past the lobby and my dad hooked him up with some fun toys in his office.  J was in heaven.

While in town, we were able to see my grandma a few times, including once for dinner at her place.  As you can see, Jackson hated dessert.
With temperatures in the upper 90's, what better way to cool down than playing with a hose?  I think my dad had almost as much fun as J, and he loved having a partner in crime to explore the yard with.

Jackson can sometimes be shy around my parents, not wanting to give them hugs or kisses, but he couldn't get enought of my mom this time around.  He even wanted her to read him her Reader's Digest, which he thoroughly enjoyed.

One of my favorite parts of the trip was sharing a room with the little guy.  I got to watch him sleep for a few moments before crawling into bed myself, which is something I never get to do for fear of waking him up, and he was oh so cute in his quiet, peaceful state. And the best part was in the mornings, I would hear rustling and then a little head would pop up over the side of his Pack 'n Play, with a big smile.

And you can't consider a weekend fun-filled unless you're completely worn out on the drive home.

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