Sunday, August 12, 2012

Busy Bees

It's been over two weeks since my last blog post - I'm horrible! 

The truth is, we've been having all kinds of fun this summer, and have been enjoying this fabulous weather and I haven't been on my computer much outside of work.

During my blogging hiatus, we've been to the park numerous times (Ebright Creek and Pine Lake), to the Issaquah and Sammamish Farmers' Markets, played in the pool, enjoyed BBQs with friends, gone on family runs...pretty much anything that get us outside in the sun.  Corey and I also celebrated our anniversary with a FABULOUS dinner at John Howie and have also spent a ton of time being lazy and relaxing in the sun during Jackson's afternoon marathon nap sessions.  We're loving life! 

Here are a few photos to tide you over until I post a few recent videos later this week.

 Enjoying the new handbag daddy bought mommy at the Nordy's sale. 

 We've got quite the helper on our hands - he loves to help us do anything, including grocery shop.  Here he is, checking out some corn on the cob for the first time.

Drinking and driving in his new car...I guess we have some things to teach him before he gets to be of (alcoholic) drinking age.

Cooling off with a dip in the pool. 

From his expression, you wouldn't know that he absolutely LOVES to read.  But trust me...he does.  Many tantrums have been thrown when we don't immediately drop whatever we're doing at a given moment to read the book he's brought to us.  

Playground fun. 

Dinner at John Howie to celebrate our 4th anniversary - delicious!

1 comment:

  1. The lady behind Jackson (in the shopping cart picture) seems to have forgotten to wear sunscreen.
