Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer Fun - Part 1

Summer's finally arrived in the Northwest, and we're having all kinds of fun.  Here are a few videos of Jackson in action over the past few weeks.  More videos to come soon - stay tuned!

We realized last night that Jackson loved helping with the recycle bin, so we took it for a spin again tonight as we put it away.

As much as we wish we could give Jackson some chores, we realize he's a bit young; however, he disagrees.  This was all his idea.  Seriously.  It was either let him, or screaming/tantrums would ensue.  Gotta pick our battles this days, and the trash can won this time.

Our muscle man had fun showing off his guns at our 4th of July party. This was truly packed and heavy (~20-25 lbs) and he was still able to move it a bit.

Feeding the ducks (with Addy) for the first time - he loved it!

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