Monday, June 4, 2012

Jackson Lately

Jackson has been quite a busy little man lately! Here are some of the highlights:
  • Started walking a little over a week ago
  • Can squat down to pick something up, stand back up, and continue walking
  • Can stand without having to use something to pull himself up (just noticed this for the first time tonight)
  • Says 'yah' (his only real word at this point) very clearly and at the right time 99% of the time (trying to get this on video)
  • Can point to the fan, to Roxy and to me when asked
  • Sounded like he was trying to say 'right there' when pointing to things for me the other day
  • Clapped and said 'yay!' after one of his sing-a-long songs finished playing in the car today
  • Can use a sippy cup with a straw (something up until today, he couldn't figure out)
  • Continues to shake his head to let us know when he doesn't want something
  • Uses his version of the 'more' sign when he wants more of something at dinner and over the last 3-4 days, this sign has become much more clear and looks like less his clapping
  • Points at everything he wants
  • Will walk to the fridge with his bottle/sippy cup and tries to put it up near the water dispenser (though he can't quite reach it yet)
  • Can open doors throughout the house
  • Is drooling like CRAZY again...more teeth must be coming soon
  • Has suddenly taken a liking to the blanket we take to daycare for his naps, which is so cute because he's never been too interested in his blankets/stuffed animals. He pulled it out of his backpack on Friday and spent the rest of the evening walking around with it and then cuddled with it during his naps and at bedtime over the weekend. 
  • Has figured out how to ride the 4-wheeler we got him for his birthday and now enjoys it (used to cry)
  • Loves playing with his water table that my parents got him for the backyard
  • Likes grilled cheese sandwiches and liked quesadillas for a fe days as well, but quesadillas are on the outs again.
  • Likes playing fetch by himself. In fact, he spent 15 minutes entertaining himself doing so while I cooked dinner tonight! Check it out:

In other news, Jackson started daycare at The Rainbow School last week and seems to be doing well. He's been taking great naps and has been getting good reports since starting last Tuesday. They provide lunch (unlike his last school), which I was hoping would help make him less picky; however, the only day he's eaten what they provided was hamburger (something he'd never tried for us before) and tots day. All the other days, they had to dig into the stash of Jackson-approved things that we've stockpiled there. 

His teachers are impressed with his art and painting skills, saying that he seemed to know exactly what to do during those activities, which we can thank his previous school for. Interestinginly enough, he even pointed out his own art (completely unsolicited) twice last week when I picked him up.  I have no idea how he knew which were has to be a coincidence, right?

J's had some really fun and extra happy days lately and I love watching him learn all these new things.  I'm loving 13 months!

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