Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Life Lately

It's been busy around these parts lately between finalizing move details (we start moving on Tuesday!), finding a new day care for Jackson, planning and organizing his 1st birthday, co-hosting a baby shower for my dear friend Gina, packing, and being busy at work, but we've still been having lots of fun.

From top left: Helping Daddy set up the new vacuum; finally figuring out how to use a sippy cup after months of trying; tackling Daddy - a new favorite past time; eating peas and loving them (finally!); wishing Gramma Linda a happy birthday; a sneak peak at some of the furniture we purchased for our new family room; sleeping with both arms behind his head; a fun play date with Liam (my co-worker's son, who started at J's day care last week).

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