Friday, May 18, 2012

Buried in Boxes

It's official - we have moved to Sammamish!  We got the keys to the house on Tuesday and spent a few days making trips on our own, before the movers (Can't Stop Moving - highly recommended!) came yesterday.  We got off to a bit of a rough start - the elevator we had a key for wasn't working, so we had to use the further one, and had to keep waiting our turn.  This didn't phase the movers and they had everything out in under two hours.  After making the trek to our new place, they unloaded everything in an hour, with the total time taking them four hours, which is exactly what they quoted.

Since then, Corey's been doing amazing work setting up, hanging, unpacking, putting together, collapsing boxes, etc.  He recently bought some new tools, given that we owned next to nothing after living in a condo for so long, and let's just say that they've been put to very good use - items completed include a mounted TV, patio table + 6 chairs, kitchen table, towel hooks, curtain rod, and the list goes on.

Roxy's been loving life running in and out, hanging out in the garage, flying up and down the stairs, and playing.  She's been more playful than ever and she's already successfully managed to knock the screen off the back door because she didn't see it when she went running towards the backyard this evening.  (Don't worry - we were able to get in back in working order).

Jackson seems to like his room, which we fully set-up before his first trip here, and the rest of the house, but I'm not sure if he really understands that we've moved.  His new room is much lighter than his old so he had a hard time falling asleep last night and woke up once in the middle of the night, but made up for it with a three hour nap today.  Corey rigged up a solution so hopefully he'll have a better night tonight.

Overall, we've made a huge dent in unpacking the mound of boxes in the garage, and were even able to park both cars in the garage tonight.  We still have a few more boxes to go through, but, we'll save that for tomorrow - we're both absolutely exhausted, sore and ready to catch up on some TV that we've missed out on the last few days.

More to come soon, but here are some pics in the meantime.

Row 1: Our life for an entire week leading up to the move.
Row 2: Our new closet, which is one of the first things we focused on, prior to Thursday's move; our moving supervisor.
Row 3: An empty condo!; dolly caravan
Row 4: Even though we have a TON of junk, we surprisingly only managed to fill about 1/2 of the moving van.
Row 5: Rather than exploring his first time in the house, Jackson headed straight to his toys; my boys at our first dinner in our house.  (If you look hard, you can see Roxy hanging out with us.)

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