Monday, March 5, 2012

CT Scan Day

Today was Jackson's CT scan at Children's to get a better look at his cyst before his surgery to remove it. 

Because J needed to be very still for the scan so that they can get some good pictures, they'd planned to put him under; however, when we got there, they said they'd try to do it with him awake.  While it was a good thought, trying to get a 10-month old to lay still and not cry, kick and scream when placed under a huge machine with unfamiliar faces around him was definitely not going to work.  They ultimately gave him some gas that quickly calmed him down and put him to sleep, but not without three of us trying to hold him still so they could keep the mask on his face to administer the gas.

The scan took less than 10 minutes and he woke up about 10 minutes after being wheeled back into the 'recovery' room, so all in all, it was a pretty quick procedure.  We hadn't been able to feed him since his last bottle last night at 7 p.m., so he was starving when he woke up around 9 a.m. (Surprisingly, he didn't fuss or cry before we left the house this morning even though he normally gets a bottle right when he wakes up around 7 a.m..  We did give him his pacifier, which is usually only reserved for bedtime/naps, and I'm sure having that helped him forget about being hungry.)

We had a few hours between his scan and the follow up appointment with his surgeon, so we headed over to the U Village for some coffee and shopping.  When we got back to the hospital, J snuck in a nap while we waited for the doctor (in fact, he didn't even really wake up while the doc talked to us about the scans and felt his cyst).  The doctor thinks the cyst looks pretty normal and still thinks the surgery will be straightforward and should only take 45-60 minutes.  With the way it's situated, the bone was forced to grow around it, which is fairly common, so they'll just need to ensure they get all of the cyst out from under the bone when they're in there.  Once the cyst is out, the bone will regrow and fill in, but there may be a bit of on indentation until the bone has a chance to grow in its proper place.  The doctor still thinks J ultimately won't have much of a scar, which is great, but until then, we think he'll just look like a tough guy who got into a bit of a brawl on the playground.

Children's will be calling us soon to schedule J's surgery and we are looking forward to having this all behind us.

Waiting for our mnchkin to wake up after his scan.

Once he woke up, J was more than ready for his bottle - he laid back, crossed his feet, and got down to business.

1 comment:

  1. Poor little munchkin! Glad he is doing okay and sending good thoughts for his surgery and recovery.
