Thursday, February 9, 2012

Love Birds

My bestie Kelsey got engaged to her bf Mark late last year and a few weekends ago, a few of us (Gina, Sara and Tara) hosted a Phinney Ridge engagement pub crawl to celebrate the happy couple.

We kicked the night off at Naked City and everyone was given a button to wear --- one of their friends drew a bunch of designs that had to do with funny events that happened over the course of their time together, which we turned into buttons.  After a few drinks there, we rounded up the pack of 15-20 friends and headed to 74th Street Ale House, which was the home of their first date.  Given the significance in their relationship, we coordinated a champagne toast for the group there, and Gina presented them with a scrapbook of photos from their five years together. 

Post-toast, we tried to hit up Oliver's Twist for a yummy dessert, but it was far too crowded for the bunch of us, so we moved on to the next location on the list - Kort Haus.  I think this place is the diviest bar I've ever been to, complete with lawn chairs and burgers made of any kind of meat you can think of (i.e. python, kangaroo, and wild boar).  Throw in pool tables, pin ball and a jukebox and you've got yourself a good time.

From there is was onto Sully's for another drink and their famous corn dogs.  Corey and I called it a night at this point since we're old and tired.  The rest of the crew enjoyed their fried food and ended the night at Park Pub, one of Kels and Mark's favorite bars. (Don't worry - we didn't miss out on the fried food action.  We hit up Jack in the Box on our way home.)

The happy couple enjoyed their night on the town (as did we!) and we are so looking forward to their summer 2013 wedding!

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