Thursday, February 23, 2012

10 Months

J is TEN months old.  How did this happen?  Not sure, but one thing is for sure --- I love that kid more every single day.

I can't get enough of his gummy smiles, his waves, his chubby cheeks and thighs, his cute little butt, and his slobbery kisses.

At 10 months, J:
  • Waves 'hi' much more consistently.
  • Went on his first tropical vacation, plane ride and swing
  • Gives sloppy kisses (aka bite/slick your cheek)
  • Can turn the pages of the books I read him before bed
  • Says what sounds like 'all done' (more like 'ah da') while pushing away the bottle when, he literally is all done. (He just started this week, and has only done it a few times so far.)
  • Says 'ma ma ma' when crawling to me or when reaching up for me to pick him up. (Only noticed this for the first time tonight, but he did it four times in a row, all at appropriate times!)
  • Spits out "yucky" food
  • Slobbers a lot more than he has in the past few months (since his first two teeth appeared), so I'm assuming he's working on some more teeth
  • Appears to have a ticklish tummy and feet
  • Makes a HUGE mess when feeding himself solids (thus the nightly baths)
  • Requires puff bribes to sit still long enough for his monthly photo
  • Gives high fives
  • Can cross his arms and look like he's pouting when he's upset/not getting his way
  • Can spot and pick up puffs when mixed with other "yucky" food on his tray
At ten months, J still does not/cannot:
  • Have more than two teeth
  • Drink out of a sippy cup
  • Hold/drink a bottle entirely on his own
  • Walk on his own
At 10 months, J loves:
  • Puffs, Cheerios, Mum Mums, bread, tofu (covered in Cheerios), mozzarella string cheese, oatmeal, applesauce, yogurt with fruit puree, and bananas (still)
  • Bath time
  • Taking his socks off and chewing on them in the car
  • Putting anything and everything he comes across into his mouth
  • Playing with Roxy's crate
  • Trying to turn the knobs on the DVR, turn on the Xbox (had to unplug it), chew/tear magazines, get ahold of Roxy's toys, put his hands in Roxy's water, pull down towels from the oven handle, open drawers
  • Drinking water out of a glass (with help, of course)
  • Trying to figure out how things work (i.e. open and close, etc)
  • Hitting the elevator buttons
  • "Helping" me empty the dishwasher
  • Watching the washer and dryer when I'm doing laundry
  • Having his teeth brushed (most of the time)
  • Going out to dinner
  • Roxy
At 10 months, J dislikes:
  • Chicken, broccoli, garbanzo beans, black beans
  • Getting out of the tub
  • Being forced to lay down for a diaper/clothes change
  • When there are no more puffs on his tray at dinner
  • Being left at daycare or with anyone other than Mommy and Daddy (though he usually forgets about us a few minutes after we leave him)
  • Too much heat/sun
  • Being put into his stroller or car seat (arching his back ensues)
  • Basically, J dislikes whenever he doesn't get his way
At 10 months, J makes everything:
  • Louder
  • Messier
  • Much more fun
Man I love this kid!

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