Saturday, January 21, 2012

First Haircut

Today was a big day for baby J - his first haircut!  His bangs have been in his eyes, he had wings over his ears, and people had been mistaking him for a girl more and more (even when wearing all boy colors) - it was time.

Joan told us about the Salon at Kids Club, which is at the U Village inside a kid's clothing store and, not knowing of many other places to go given that this was our first time, that seemed like a great place to try out.  Included with the first haircut is a photo the stylist takes showing off the new 'do.

We got there today for his appointment and it was packed - obviously it's a popular place.  Jackson tried out one of the car chairs but didn't seem like he'd last the whole haircut, so we ended up putting him on my lap and his stylist, Kimberly, gave him all kinds of toys and books to keep him occupied. 

He did great and only got squirmy and a little fussy when she tried to use the neck trimmer (to be fair, she warned us ahead of time, saying that many babies didn't like it), so she stopped and finished with her scissors and before we knew it, he was all done and looked so much older than when we walked in.  (So old, in fact, that our waiter at The Ram afterwards brought J carrot sticks and ranch dressing...)

What do you think?



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