Saturday, December 31, 2011


It's amazing how quickly babies can go from not being able to do something, to being able to do it and then to using their newest trick to their advantage.  Case in point: Jackson went from learning to army crawl three weeks ago, to really crawling just over a week ago, to getting into mischief this week.

On Wednesday, Corey came down with the flu that we'd all been passing around so I was on single mommy duty.  I had Jackson all set up with toys on his play mat in the living room and went to wash bottles and clean up the kitchen.  His usual MO is to play with the toys I put in front of him, but J had other ideas of activities to keep himself occupied.  I watched him crawl over to the coffee table and start to chew on magazines (something his furry sister is infamous for).  After I moved those out of reach, he decided he wanted to crawl over and check out the DVD player and Xbox.  At this point, I decided to hold off on cleaning the kitchen and just follow him around and let him do what he wanted (within reason).  Soon, he found himself kneeling in front of Roxy's toy box (a metal garbage can about knee height) and loved banging on that and then trying to open it.  After that lost its luster, he spotted some of Roxy's toys across the room and quickly tried to get ahold of those.

When I decided to try to tackle the kitchen again, I set him on the floor by my feet with a toy or two, only for him to quickly crawl over to the oven and use the handle of the drawer below it pull himself up enough to pull down the kitchen towels hanging from the oven handle.

All these activities took place without about a 30 minute block of time.  I have a feeling we'll be getting a lot more exercise around the house in the very near future.

And so it begins.

I'm being a perfect angel, Mommy, don't worry...

J showing off his crawling skills just a few days after doing the real deal for the first time.

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