Thursday, November 24, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving!  We wish you a fabulous day full of delicious food, lots of fun and plenty quality time with family and friends.

In honor of Thanksgiving, it seemed appropriate to share a few of the things I'm thankful for, so here goes:
  • A happy, healthy baby boy.  Jackson is truly one of the best things that has every happened to me and I absolutely love being his mom.  I love my little munchkin to pieces.
  • A supportive, loving, generous, and caring husband.  Three years of marriage under our belt and it's been the best three years of my life.  Corey is a fabulous husband and an even more amazing daddy.
  • A wonderful family - both my own and my in-laws.  They're all so very supportive and willing to help out, and we're able to see them almost any time we want. And not everybody can say they love their in-laws, but mine are fabulous (and I'm not just saying this because they will likely read this)!
  • A great job.  I am on a team I love and have a boss I adore.  I couldn't really ask for much more.

I absolutely love kissing this adorable face a million times a day.

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