Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fall Favorites

I typically do not like fall as it means winter is right around the corner, which, around here, means months of cold, gloomy weather and going to and from work in the dark and/or rain.  All that aside, there are a few things that have made me appreciate this fall a little more than usual as we say goodbye to warm, sunny days and many hours of daylight.
  • The smell of fall/holiday scented candles. I have so many yummy candles, yet I never think to light them; however, I've been more on top of it lately and love the delicious smells that overtake our condo after lighting a candle or two.
  • With more time spent indoors and without as many plans, I've had a bit more free time to enjoy some good reads.  From novels like Water for Elephants, to trashy magazines like US Weekly, I've been addicted to reading.  And thanks to Lisa and Natalie, much of my free time in the last week has been spent flying through Hunger Games, and now Catching Fire (the sequel).
  • The beautiful colors of the leaves, both in the trees and on the ground, that I get to admire on a daily basis on walks with Jackson and/or Roxy.  Nearly every street around here is lined with trees, and this time of the year, that means colorful leaves, too.
  • Cold weather means hot baths --- one of my all time favorite fall/winter activities to warm up and relax after a long day at work.  Add a good-smelling candle, a book, and, let's be honest, a glass of wine as well, and I'm a happy camper.
  • Looking forward to the upcoming holidays.  This means time with family and friends, lots of delicious food, and extra time away from work---what's not to love about that?
I hope you are enjoying fall as much as I have!

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