Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Things I Love

There are a million things I love about our little man; however, here are my current very favorite things in regards to life with Jackson.

I love...
  • The way he babbles to himself (rather than crying) when he wakes up in the morning until we go in to get him up.
  • The huge smile and excited leg kicking he does when we go into his room to get him up in the morning.  Or, on the mornings we end up having to wake him, the big smile he has when he first sees us, and the big stretches he does when we take his sleep sack off.
  • The fact that he's been sleeping from 8 p.m. until at least 6 or 6:30 a.m. 
  • The way anything his hands come even remotely close to makes its way into his mouth.  And if it's not quite within his reach, you can bet he'll be reaching as far as possible to get whatever it is (my purse, car keys, ties on my shirt, necklaces, etc) into his hands and subsequently into his mouth.
  • The huge smile he gets when he first notices me after I get to daycare and say hi to him.
  • The way he moans and groans while falling asleep in the stroller or car.
  • Sitting him on the floor to play with toys while we eat dinner...
  • ...And how cute and little he looks while doing so.
  • The way he likes to blow raspberries.  But not the way he occasionally does it while eating solids. (Makes for an even bigger mess!)
  • The look on his face with the first bit of every solid food meal --- he still gets this shocked look as if to say "What on EARTH are you feeding me?!?".
  • All of his fall clothes - he looks like such a big boy in his "back-to-school" clothes.
  • Hearing the daily report of all the fun things Jackson enjoyed at daycare.  Today, he went on another field trip to the Seattle Center to watch the fountains, played with rattles, worked on his mosaic art project, and enjoyed nursery rhymes / story time.
  • The big smiles and giggles he saves especially for playing fetch with Roxy.
  • This picture of Jackson in his superhero cape.  There's just something about such a little body being covered by a cape.


  1. And the list could go on forever, right? Can't wait to see Jackson this weekend!!

  2. The cape is a cute party idea! I bet Jackson would let Jenny borrow it for those days she is super worker, super wife or super mom.
