Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Stats Are In

Jackson and I went to his six month check-up today and it was confirmed that he is one big, healthy kid!

He weighed in at a whopping 20 lbs, 14.5 oz (give or take a few ounces, considering he'd just finished a bottle) and was 29" in length.  This puts him in the 90th and 99th percentile, respectively.  Not only is it impressive that he grew two inches in length in as many months, but he's now the average height of an ELEVEN month old.  It's no wonder his pants seem to keep shrinking.  His head is getting a bit bigger and measured 44.5 cm (90th percentile) - if I didn't know better, I'd think it was because of all that hair that continues to grow and fill out.

He was very happy throughout our time there and did great.  He did have a bit too much fun with the paper they lay on the table, so I ended up moving him to my lap to hang out while we waited for the doctor.  J had to get an oral and four shots and he did great.  He didn't even realize they'd given him the first shot but for the next three he screamed; however, as soon as I picked him up, he calmed down and even smiled at the nurse who had done the damage.

The doctor was very pleased with all of Jackson's progress in the last two months and said he's extremely healthy and is totally on track developmentally.  He was even super impressed with how stable and strong Jackson was when sitting. 

Hooray for big boys!

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