Monday, October 3, 2011


Last week was a big week, with Jackson experiencing lots of firsts, including his first:
  • Cold.  Poor kiddo got the cold I had the week before, which left him extra sleepy and congested.  Corey and I both worked from home on Tuesday (thinking we could tag team and work easier) to keep an eye on him in case he got a fever or his cold got worse, but he was actually in one of his best moods ever.  This was likely due to the fact that  he got lots of extra sleep --- he went to bed at 6:30 p.m. the night before and woke up at 7:30 a.m. and still wanted to take 5.5-hours of naps throughout the day, including two, 2-hour naps.  Happy to report that his cold seems about 90% better.
  • Three-hour nap.  Between continuing to recover from his cold, and because one of the louder baby girls (Maggie) wasn't at daycare, J took a 3-hour nap on Friday morning.  His longest nap prior to this was somewhere between 2 and 2.5 hours.  (Maggie and J are both light sleepers but she's also very vocal and somewhat loud, which often wakes J up from naps at daycare.  This sometimes cases him to start crying, when then causes her to start crying --- sounds like these two really feed off of each other.  I'm sure their teachers just love when this happens.)
  • Art project.  The letter of the week at daycare last week was 'C' and the kiddos got to "color" in a 'C' printed out on a piece of paper.  This consisted of putting the kids in high chairs, giving them Crayons and letting them go to town.  The result?  A completely un-colored 'C' with a few very faint Crayon dots around it.  Adorable.  I'd include a photo of J's masterpiece; however, it's still at daycare as they hang up the kids' artwork for a few weeks before we get to bring it home.
  • Field trip.  Technically, this happened the week before last, but it was worth mentioning.  J and his baby friends got to go to the Seattle Center to watch the fountains and he loved it.  He even had the opportunity to go back two more times last week, and loved it just as much each time.  What can I say?  The kid loves to be outdoors.
  • Sitting experience.  J has been working on sitting up quite a bit lately, but last week, we could actually see him improve so much each day.  It was amazing to watch.  About a week and a half ago, he could only balance for a few seconds at a time (and even did a face plant when I was reaching for a toy --- oops) but last week, he learned how to balance so much better and can now actually sit for as long as we let him.  If Roxy runs at him, causing him to get excited, he'll kick his legs and swing his arms, which causes him to tip over occasionally, but still I think we can safely say this kiddo is a "sitter".
Jackson is truly growing so fast, right before our eyes and it's amazing to watch.  He gets more and more fun every day and we have so much fun just watching and interacting with him each night when we get home.

Poor J was so stuffy and congested last week.  Not only did he need lots of extra sleep, he got lots of extra cuddles from mom and dad.

I was cuddling with J and he fell asleep just sitting on my lap, which is something he never does.  He normally needs to be swaddled and in his crib (or anything moving --- carseat, stroller) to fall asleep.  His cold really knocked him out!

Hooray for big boys who can sit and play!

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