Monday, August 1, 2011

Seabrook with the Shawvers

On Friday, we packed up and headed  to Seabrook for the weekend. There, we met up with the Shawvers for a little beach getaway. Corey and I had been before - once with our friends, and once with our family - but we hadn't been in almost two years, and the Shawvers had never been, so we were looking forward to heading back.

The weather was amazing and the house we stayed in - Eleanor Cottage - was perfect. (Fun fact - it is owned by Kevin's old boss from his Starbucks days.) We had a great time relaxing and catching up with Kevin and Jen, and we loved being able to spend more time with their 4-month old, Addy. Though Addy and Jackson were on completely opposite nap schedules, and they didn't really acknowledge each other the few times they were awake together, it was still so much fun to have them both along with us. We are looking forward to seeing these two kiddos grow up together.

Here are a few photos Jen captured this weekend:

Jackson slept through his entire first trip to the beach.  We had to capture this photo to ensure that we have proof for when he's older that he was actually there.

Love this - it's one of our first family photos since the day he was born.

I just LOVE those lips of his. 

And here are a few photos Corey snapped while we were at Seabrook.  Others can be found here.

Jackson's been much more verbal and very into making faces; this captures one of these moments.
Finally able to snap a few photos when they were both up at one point; Addy wasn't so sure of Jackson and his cooties for some of the shots, but she put her feelings aside for the sake of a good photo opp.

The Shawver fam.

Group photo in front of Eleanor Cottage.

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