Friday, August 12, 2011

I remember when...

C8065344 by C. Moran

...he used to sleep through the night.

[By Corey]

Only a few weeks ago, Jackson would sleep through the night. We'd put him down for the night and then he wouldn't wake us up until any time after 5:30 a.m. or so.

This week, I've been up 2-3 times a night. Since he's become more active when he sleeps, we'll find him in his crib like in the picture above: arm busted out of the swaddle and lying on his side (somewhere in the crib, not where we'd placed him).

Sometimes it just takes a little adjustment, like re-potisioning him, or rubbing his feet, and he goes right back to sleep. Other times, he wakes himself up and realizes that he's hungry, which takes another feeding and 20-30 more minutes.

The latest was that, while swaddled, he'd managed to flip onto his stomach, like the opposite of a turtle. This is obviously a suffocation hazard (although as all parents know from reading warning labels before baby even arrives, pretty much everything is a hazard). So, we've been swaddling him with one arm out to transition to sleeping with both arms free. But now, a flailing arm might catch him in the face while sleeping, increasing the chances of him waking up...

Two steps forward, one step back...

And now, I'll try and go back to sleep until he summons next.

1 comment:

  1. We went through this exact same thing at about 4 months and unfortunately are still trying to work our way through it. First one to figure it out, wins! (and needs to share the secret)
