Wednesday, August 24, 2011

4 Months

Our sweet little munchkin is growing up so fast - he's 4 months old! We had his 4-month check-up today and the doctor had only great things to say about our little man.

  • Length: 27" (99th percentile)
  • Weight: 17 lbs., 13 oz (90th percentile)
  • Head: 42.6 cm (75th percentile)
I love going to Jackson's check-ups to see how he's measuring and to hear what the doctor has to say. Last time, I remember him saying J was 'thriving' and this time he said several times that J was a 'good guy', that he was 'so strong' (J was showing the doc how he likes to lift his head up when laying on his back like he's doing crunches) and that he was 'such a sweet guy'. Love that. He also commented on how great J's fro-hawk was.

Though J's overnight sleeping has been less than stellar (he and I partied last night off and on between 1:30-2:45 a.m., again from 3:15-3:45 a.m. for a feeding, and for a few minutes at 5:20 a.m.), he is growing so fast and is very healthy and happy. 

Up next - we are looking forward to trying a few solids and see what he thinks of those over the course of the next few weeks.

Current happenings in J's world at 4 months

  • Still loves to stand. In fact, he loves to grab our hands and go all the way from laying down to sitting to standing very quickly. He gets a huge grin every time.
  • Started playing in his Exersaucer and seems to enjoy it.
  • Watches us intently as we walk across the room and can track us from quite a distance.
  • Loves watching Roxy play fetch - she totally makes him smile; I even have him do tummy time this way as he seems to enjoy it more when she's running back and forth.
  • Still doesn't love tummy time and hasn't yet rolled over from tummy to back...
  • But has rolled from back to tummy several times while swaddled so we've started only putting his legs in to keep warm and have been keeping both arms out. This may be one of the reasons he's having trouble staying asleep overnight - he just loves to rub his face with this fists, which keeps him awake or often wakes him up.
  • More spontaneous laughing - so cute but so hard to replicate as he always seems to get the giggles over something different.
  • Loves staring out the window with Roxy - so much activity to check out!
  • Has grown out of many of his 6 month pajamas (he's so long, his poor legs get scrunched) and is into a few 9 month styles.

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