Sunday, June 5, 2011

Fussiest Baby on the Block

Parenthood has become a whole lot more, should I say interesting (read: difficult, exhausting, demanding), over the last few days, let me tell you! The fussies have arrived at our house in full force and we are quickly learning just how true it is when other parents say that just as you figure one thing out, babies can quickly and easily change things up.

Until this week, Jackson really only cried when he was hungry or needed to be changed (but mostly just when he was hungry); however, that has completely changed. He still cries to let us know when he's hungry, but he now often cries uncontrollably between feedings when we know he's not hungry and when we know he has a clean diaper. Things like his bouncer, which used to keep him occupied so I could grab a shower, cook a quick dinner, etc, or the use of his pacifier or rocking him in the glider for a few minutes if he did get a little fussy or tired over the previous five weeks no longer consistently do the trick. He used to nap for an hour or two at a time, and now he'll only nap for maybe 30 minutes before waking up crying, leaving us frantically trying everything to get him to console him or get him back to sleep if he still shows signs of tiredness.

Sometimes, we're able to calm him with a mixture of rocking, patting his back, 'shhhh'ing', a white noise app, swaddling, and his pacifier, but other times, he continues to be upset, leaving us feeling very helpless and so sad for our little man.

After some research online, we're wondering if he possibly has colic since many of his symptoms align. During our research we found that Mylicon (infant gas drops) and Hylands Colic Tablets have worked wonders for other parents in the same situation, so we picked both of those up over the weekend and have (sparingly) used those when nothing else helps --- while they do provide him some relief and the ability to settle down for a bit, he definitely still has his uncontrollable fussy periods or fussy periods that seem as though they'll never end.

Luckily, Corey is a HUGE help and we make a good team, passing J back and forth (since holding him seems to keep him most calm for the longest period of time) so the other can get things done.

Note to our friends: If we happen to pass up any social engagements in the near future, please don't take it personally --- we just don't want to subject you (or your ears!) to the fussiness until we can better manage it or until it passes (which I hope is SOON!).

And by the way, if anyone has any tips for dealing with the fussies, we are ALL ears...just as soon as we turn down the white noise that has taken over our house these days.


  1. No advice, but a phrase I've heard from all my parent friends is "this too shall pass." Good luck and let us know if you need anything.

    And, I promise to cut Corey some slack if he comes in to the office after a long night as the "fussiest man on the block." :)

  2. I've been there!! Gripe water and mylicon did help Liam initially. I hope the excessive gas has decreased a lot since this post! Liam's started around 5 weeks and still has issues. Usually, "colic" goes away at 6 months, as it has with many of my friends' babies the same age as Liam. Once they're sitting upright more frequently, it helps alot. It's horrible I know. I hope Jackson is much better now!
