Thursday, June 16, 2011

Colic Confirmed

Last week, I took Jackson into the doctor to see if it was colic, or something else, that was causing our little man to be fussy.

Based on his symptoms and age, the doc confirmed that J does have 'mild colic', saying that it probably puts him at a 7 on the spectrum of babies and how 'difficult' they are in general (10 being the most difficult). The great news is that he is completely healthy and growing quickly --- he weighed in at 12.9 lbs, which is 3 lbs more than his previous appointment four weeks earlier.

The other good news is that colic typically peaks at weeks 5-6, and with him being almost 7 weeks old at the time of the appointment, the doc thought we'd start to see improvement gradually between then and 2 months old, and even more improvement by 3 months old, with colic going away completely by around 4 months. In fact, over the past four days, he's been great and hasn't really had any unexplainable fussy periods. He's also been sleeping really well, both during his naps, and at night.

Fingers crossed this trend continues...but the meantime, we have found the Bjorn to work wonders at helping keep him calm, especially when out and about.

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