Sunday, June 19, 2011

8 Weeks

Jackson's had some huge milestones over the past week or so - it continues to amaze me how quickly he changes and grows. And I can't believe he's almost 2-months old!

Outfit from Joan & Curtis, on their recent trip to Paris - love how grown up J looks!

He's started eating 5-6 oz at a time (though he did put away 8 oz in less than 20 minutes during one feeding today!), and has cut back from 8-9 feedings / day to 7. He's now going 3+ hours between feedings during the day and he goes for 5-7 hour stretches at night. One night last week, he even went 9 full hours between feedings overnight --- love that!

He's definitely been on a more consistent schedule this week:
- 7-8 a.m. - wake up and first feeding, followed by play time and a nap
- 11 a.m. - second feeding, followed by play time and a nap
- 2 p.m. - third feeding, followed by play time and a nap
- 5 p.m. - forth feeding, followed by play time and a nap
- 8 p.m. - fifth feeding
- 10:30 p.m. - sixth feeding, followed by bed time
- 4-5 a.m. - last feeding

But, as we've discovered, as soon as you get used to something, it changes! Today, he started going closer to 3.5 hours between feedings (and even went over 4 hours at one point), so I'm sure our schedule will change again soon!

J had a great week without any major crying fits. I think one of the keys has been making sure he is getting some good naps in throughout the day so he doesn't get too tired. And I'm not sure if it's related or not, but typically every morning between 5-6:30 a.m., he moans and groans and seems to be in a lot of discomfort while sleeping. Typically, we give him his colic tablets and move him from his crib to his bouncer, which seems to help. But we even saw improvement here this week --- his discomfort didn't seem nearly as bad and he even stayed in his crib until his first feeding several mornings.

Crib vs. Bouncer
J has done great in his crib overnight since day one; however, he's never really napped well there. This week, though, he had several 45-60 minute naps in there, and even spent some time in there durng the day looking at his mobile or "talking" to himself as he falls asleep. When he wakes up before nap time is over, I'll move him to his bouncer and he'll falls right back asleep until his next feeding, at least but he seems to be getting more comfortable there during the day.

Other Notables
Jackson continues to drool a lot, and has started sucking on his fists a lot, evening finding a finger once or twice.

His neck gets stronger every day and during tummy time, he props himself up on his elbows and looks around quite a bit. To help lift his head up each time, he uses his feet to push off the floor, which ultimately ends up pushing his whole body forward, so throughout the course of tummy time he often "army crawls" forward 6+ inches. And he has started batting at the toys that hang from his play mat.

He's started to roll onto his side and if it weren't for that pesky arm that he's laying on, he'd be rolling over. We'll leave him in his crib to run and grab a bottle and come back and he's completely on his side but that dang arm just keeps getting in the way!

Right before we feed him, we put a bib on him (he's a bit of a messy eater), and even when he's super hangry, he stops crying since he knows a bottle is coming his way. But we have to be quick --- he gets very impatient if we're not quick enough!

And he has been "talking" a ton more - it's so cute to hear him across the room babbling to himself or in response to us talking to him. He also smiles more and more every day and we love trying to get smiles out of him, especially right after he eats, which is when he's happiest.

Totally TMI but he's definitely been pooping way less every day (only 1-2 times vs. 3-4); however, these ones smell AWFUL and make me gag every time. And while we're on this topic, while changing him during one of his 4 a.m. feedings this week, he wasn't quite done and literally shot poop 2 feet from his changing table, hitting the wall, floor and lamp in the process. It was probably the only time I've ever laughed this early in the morning.

Stay tuned for J's current stats after his 2-month check up later this week.

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