Sunday, May 15, 2011

Recent Favorites

We obviously love our little man to pieces and love everything that he does; however, there are a few things he does that we have deemed our current favorites. In no particular order, here they are:

- His shrill Steven Tyler-like scream in the midst of a peaceful sleep.
- His wood pecker-like head movement looking for more food when trying to burp him in the middle of a feeding.
- The rolls forming on his thighs. (Rolly baby thighs are my absolute favorite thing on babies.)
- The way his arms and legs never stop moving unless he's eating, which brings me to the next favorite.
- The way he sits, completely still, with his hands either clasped or on his thighs while eating.

- His man-sized farts, which sometimes catch him by surprise, causing all limbs to fly out in opposite directions. (This is obviously one of Corey's favorites, not mine!)
- His ability to stare at lights for long periods of time with 110% total focus and interest and a look on his face that resembles a 'WOW!'.
- His love of shopping (or sleeping, I should say), which allowed me to get out of the house for a few hours on Friday for a U Village trip. It was a definite success with just a few Steven Tyler screams while in the dressing room at the Gap (as soon as the stroller started moving again, he went right back to sleep).
- His love of
the BOB, which allowed me to get two 2-mile walks in last week!
- The way he is not scared of Roxy and doesn't mind sharing Corey or I with her.

On a separate note, in case you weren't aware, Corey has a
Jackson 365 blog dedicated to posting a photo a day of Jackson throughout the course of his first year. We know he will grow so fast so this will allow us to capture the many fun moments and exciting changes along the way. Check it out if you're looking for the latest and greatest Jackson photos! (While this doesn't necessarily belong within this blog as one of my Jackson favorites, I've gotta give my hubby a shout out every now and then, since he single-handedly contributes 99.9% of the photos for this blog. And besides, one of my favorite things about C is his passion for photography and his willingness to brilliantly capture so many of our fun times to look back on and treasure forever.)

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