Monday, May 9, 2011

2 Weeks Old

We took Jackson in for his two week check-up on Friday and he did great. He was very alert the entire time, and even though he was starving, he hardly made a peep as they did his check-up and pricked his heel for his second PKU test (the first happened in the hospital).

Here are his two-week stats:
- Weight = 9lbs 4.5 oz (he's gained a pound since birth!); 75th percentile
- Length = 22" (he's grown 1.5" inches since birth!); 90th percentile
- Head circumference = 37 cm; 85th percentile

Obviously he loves to eat but it's still amazing to me how fast he's growing. He's more and more alert every day (which also means he's sleeping less throughout the day) and we love seeing his eyes more. And because he's up more during the day, he is sleeping more at night - he even had a 4.5 hour stretch one night last week! He smiles occasionally, though it's probably still just gas at this point. And his arms and legs never stop moving, except for when he's eating.

Looking forward to his next check-up at 2 months!

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