Friday, April 29, 2011

Jackson's First Outing

Yesterday, we packed Jackson into his Bjorn and headed across the street to QFC and Starbucks for his first outing. Yes, I know across the street doesn't really count; however, this was a big milestone considering we haven't left the house except for doctor's appointments since we brought him home. It's hard to time things just right when his days revolve around feeding, sleeping, changing diapers and then starting the cycle all over again, so we thought a short trip would be best as the first, in case we needed to run home for a diaper change, etc.

It was great to get out of the house and of course we were happy because we were able to get a little Starbucks pick-me-up, while Jackson got some more diapers. Happy campers all around I'd say. And the Starbucks crew, who know Roxy based on her endless hours looking out our living room window (which faces Starbucks) asked about her and how she's adjusting to Jackson --- we thought it was very cute that they asked about her. (For the record, she's handling things quite well --- she's just very curious about him and is very concerned when he has a crying spell. Such a good pup.)

Here are a few photos documenting our trip.

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