Tuesday, March 29, 2011

He Flipped!

Good news kids! I had the first of my now weekly doctor's appointments today and it appears Piglet has flipped! By feeling my stomach, the doc thought he was still breech but after an internal exam, she thought that perhaps he had flipped and decided to do a quick ultrasound to confirm. As soon as she started the ultrasound, she excitedly told me that she was right --- he had made the big move south. Even better, is that she thinks he's far enough along that it'll be pretty tough for him to flip back and he's facing my back, which is the position they'll want him in for labor and delivery. (In addition, she confirmed again that Piglet is indeed a boy.)

This means things get a whole lot more interesting and nerve wracking --- while I could have gone into labor at any time, even if we had scheduled a c-section, I still felt more like things would be very scheduled; however, now knowing that we are truly waiting on my water to break and / or contractions to start, it kicks things up a notch. I guess I had really been assuming I'd have a c-section so I hadn't started to worry about things like my water breaking at work (though Corey did the quick math and believes there is only a 3% chance of this happening based on the percentages of woman whose water actually breaks, how much time I spend at work, etc) or about having to do all the work that will come with pushing this babe out. Eek! Sounds like I'm not dilated at all yet though (and he's still 'high' or at '-2') so hopefully we have a bit of time for me to get used to this idea. But don't worry - Corey is ready to roll. Tonight, he showed me a contraction timer app he downloaded to his phone and also tried to have me practice my breathing, though I was laughing too hard to do much good. Better practice that some more this weekend, as well as get my hospital bag packed stat!

Fingers crossed that he stays in this position between now and whenever he decides to make his grand entrance into the world.


  1. Jen that is great news!!! He is getting himself into the proper position so as to make a grand entrance into the world! I like his style, just keeping everyone in suspense until the end! :)

  2. Yay! I am so excited for you that he flipped! That little one really likes to stir up the drama already....

  3. Great news! Can't wait to see pics of the little guy :) Good luck!
