Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sweet Smiles

It was a rainy Sunday but despite the weather, the Asher twins were all smiles when we came over for brunch this morning. Hannah is walking all over the place and Charlotte is starting to get her balance, which meant lots of excitement (from her and all of us) as she waddled from one person to the next.

Brunch was delicious and we had a fantastic time playing with these sweet little ladies today.

Here are a few of my favorite photos that Corey snapped. Or check out the full set here.

Smarty pants! Katy asked Hannah where her car was...success!

Rock on, Hannah!

Hannah loved playing peek-a-boo.

It was so exciting to see Charlotte starting to walk...not only because she was walking, but look how excited she is, too!

Charlotte scored some cuddle time with daddy during one of the football games.

Charlotte will be running around before Katy and Tyler know it.

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