Sunday, July 11, 2010

Yakima by the Numbers

We just returned from a fun, little Yakima getaway. With temps in the 80s-90s here, summer is in full force there and we had a blast soaking up the rays with my parents and grandma.

Here's a quick recap of our weekend trip:
  • 313 miles traveled
  • 15 miles ran by my dad in the Grey Rock Trail Run
  • 3 doggie friends made (two Boxers and a 9-month old Great Dane) while waiting to cheer my dad on as he finished the race
  • 1 stranger's bike tire deflated courtesy of Roxy (mostly his fault --- she barked at it, he moved it closer to her to taunt her and one bite later, the tire was toast)
  • 1 new Dog Book photo captured
  • 106 degrees said Corey's car thermometer at one point yesterday
  • 2 swimming attempts made by Roxy (like last year, she still doesn't like swimming pools)
  • 2 Starbucks runs and 4 Starbucks beverages consumed
  • 2 pitchers of strawberry daiquiris enjoyed
  • 2 5:15 a.m. wake-up calls by Roxy, who was bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and ready to play
  • 3 delicious home cooked meals
  • 1 car wash / detailing
  • Many hours spent outside, enjoying the sun
  • Lots of QT with the fam

Hope you had a great summer weekend as well!

More photos of our Yakima getaway can be found here.

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