Friday, July 2, 2010

New Recipe - #15

This week was a busy week, which meant making several big dishes on Sunday that we could have for quick dinners and lunches throughout the week. In addition to making our favorite veggie enchiladas, we also made our 15th new recipe - four cheese and spinach lasagna.

It turned out pretty yummy, though we'd made a few modifications next time: skip the goat cheese (with all the cheese in the lasagna, you couldn't taste this so it seemed to be an unnecessary ingredient and extra calories) and skip the lemon zest (it was a bit too strong of a flavor). Other than that, we highly recommend this dish!

Jenny's rating: 3-1/2 stars
Corey's rating: 3 stars

Sorry folks! Weren't able to capture an appealing photo of our own lasagna (have you every tried to photograph lasagna? If not, don't --- it's tough!), so had to borrow this photo.

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