Sunday, April 18, 2010

Project Runway: Ballard

A bunch of us girls (Kels, Sara, Tara and a couple of her friends) headed out for the evening last night.

We kicked the evening off with cocktails as Moshi Moshi Sushi and then headed over to the New York Fashion Academy for the 2010 ReStore Trash Fashion Show. We had a blast and the show was fabulous. About 30 local designers stepped up to the challenge of creating a new ensembles out of someone else's trash, similar to an episode of Product Runway. The designs that were on display were pretty amazing and extremely creative. Materials included construction fencing, grocery bags, food packaging, dryer sheets, newspaper, and so on. Some of the designs were a bit over the top, though very unique and cool to see, but there were others that were more down to earth. Regardless, all of these designers have some serious imagination and talent and I look forward to attending next year to see what new outfits these designers have whipped up.

Being the bag blogger I am, I forgot my camera; however, I was able to snap a few shots with my phone.

A popped air mattress once owned by Rain Wilson's mom (and was slept on by Rain himself!) became the centerpiece for the blue dress you see here.

This outfit, named Sofaliscious, is made entirely of leather sofa samples.

Tons of pieces of tin made up this dress.

A little mattress packaging, a little caution tape and you have yourself a dress!

Kels and Sara enjoying yummy cocktails at Moshi.

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