Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

To ring in the New Year last night, we headed out to the Reeders' with the Gossetts.

First stop was dinner at the Fall City Roadhouse - good food and even better dessert (you'll see why below). After dinner, we'd planned to hit up the Snoqualmie Casino to test our luck at the tables and slot machines but when getting close and seeing that people were parking a half mile away and hoofing it in, we decided that it would be a madhouse inside.

We headed back to the Reeders' to play Lips (this Christmas gift has already provided hours of entertainment - thanks Elliott!) and had a fun time singing, goofing around, enjoying delicious glasses of prosecco and champagne, and then counting down to 2010.

Some photo highlights are included below or you can see the full set here. Thanks Lisa & Jason for a fun night!

Hope everyone had a safe and happy night!

Our handsome hubbies...

And their hot wives...

Natalie and I shared this decadent dessert. You can tell by the 'J heart N' on the left. Clearly.

Group shot with our new friend Christmas Tree.

Gossetts getting into Lips.

The look on Corey's face is priceless - is it amazement or disbelief that Jason and Chris are such good singers? Not sure, but I've seen this look many times before...

Hey you two - it's not midnight yet!

Reeder family portrait - I hope this makes the 2010 holiday card!

Corey enjoyed a glass of champagne (from one of the bottles we received as a wedding gift and were saving for a special occassion)!

Apparently Lips just makes you want to get up and dance..."Just Dance"!

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