Saturday, January 9, 2010

Did You Know...

...that this week is International Blog Delurking Week? Who knew there was such a thing?! I certainly didn't until I saw my friend Natalie's blog earlier this week. Bloggers around the world this week ask their readers - both new and faithful - to delurk and leave a comment!

We started our blog right after we got married in July 2008 and we've loved being able to capture memories of the many fun times we've shared together, with Roxy, our families and our friends. Thanks to those of you who follow our blog, regardless of how interesting the content may be to you.

I know we have a few loyal readers out there that don't comment. How do I know you read our blog? Well, you bring things up in conversation that you'd only know if you read the blog (obviously, I'm quite the detective). Now's your chance to leave your first comment!

Whether you're a first-time reader, first-time commenter, or long-time subscriber (thanks!), please leave a comment, letting me (and any other readers) know who you are and where you live. You don't even need to set up an account if you don't already have one - simply leave your comment 'anonymously', and just include your name in the body of your comment.



  1. Hi there Morans!

    I don't think I count as a lurker, but I am happy to leave a comment anyway! I am a big fan of blogs in general and yours rates very high on my list. :) I love stopping by and seeing what you guys are up. The photos are my favorite so keep it up!

    Natalie (Kirkland)

  2. I will probably respond for both Jason and Lisa, even though we know Jason reads just as often as I do.

    As with Natalie's blog, we are avid followers that love to see pictures of ourselves, so the more pictures you put of us on your blog, the more often we will come back.

  3. hello! I guess I am officially a lurker because I never comment but since I talk to you so often I never thought about commenting! In case you can't tell who this is, it's your Mom! luvyamucho.k

  4. True Confession: "I'm hooked!"


  5. Regular reader, sometime commenter.


  6. I'm a bit late with my comment, but I will confess that I'm a silent follower from back east! I love to see what you have been up to since I loved meeting you back in July! I wish I were committed enough to keep a blog...perhaps in the future! Take care :)
