Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Out With the Old

Though our condo is a decent size, for two people who have a lot of stuff, there just isn't much storage space for all of our 'treasures'. After living here for over two years now, the places we were storing stuff needed a bit of an overhaul. Rather than spend a precious weekend day cleaning out and organizing closets, drawers, cupboards, etc, I thought the perfect time to do this would be this week since we both have it off. So on Monday morning, we dove right in.

After taking down all the Christmas stuff, we started tackling drawers, closets and cupboards within each room, ultimately coming up with 2 bags of garbage, 4-5 bags of recycling and a huge stack of items to be taken to Good Will or to Buffalo Exchange. Even though we have a walk-in closet in our room, those of you who know us well know that it is jam packed. To help solve that issue, I packed up all my summer clothes and shoes (which we know I know need for about 7 more months) into a huge bin which is now in our storage unit in the garage. I'll swap these clothes for winter clothes in late spring, thus leaving our closet less packed and more organized in the meantime.

It felt so good to clean things out - not only did we get rid of stuff we didn't need, we found things we'd forgotten about, have ideas on how to use some of these things, and we don't fear for our lives when opening cupboards and closet doors any longer.

Love that we got this all done in time to kick off the new year with a nice, clean house.

I didn't think to take any 'before' pictures but here are a few of the most notable 'after' shots:

Our bathroom closet.

'His' side of the walk-in closet...note the nice, neat stacks on the shelf.

'Her' side of the walk-in closet. Again, enjoy the nice, neat stacks now - they won't stay this way forever.

All this stuff is ready to be donated / taken to Buffalo Exchange - love getting rid of stuff we don't need / use.


  1. Um, let me go through your treasures before you get rid of them. I have some birthday's coming up for people about your size.

  2. Perfect - when you're here tonight, we'll load it all into your car and you'll have tresures (I mean presents) for months to come!
